Amplify Results Coaching Training Program:
"Master-Practitioner Level Designations" 

AMPLIFY results for you and your clients with the world's most powerful mind-body tools

Brought to you by: 





Billie Aadmi

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Melissa Deally

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Billie Aadmi

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Melissa Deally

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90 Days To Be Designated In The World's Top Mind-Body Modalities To Be Able To GUARANTEE Your Results

In just 90 days, you will participate in the following experiential learning programs as you add powerful tools of the Unconscious Mind to your toolbox to use for yourself and your clients, while receiving 4 Board Designations at the Master-Practitioner Level. It's  never just about what you learn, it's important how you learn and at Amplify Results Coaching we use hybrid learning technologies and create a supportive community both during and after completion:
All times below are in Pacific Time Zone. 

Intro Courses: 
Session 1:  Jan 14, 2025 @ 10am - 1pm 
Meet Your Unconscious Mind Workshop 

Session 2: Jan 21 & 22, 2025 @ 9:30 - 5:30pm 
Designing Your Destiny (Taught by Bllie)

Session 3: Jan 24, 2025 @ 10am - 12pm 
Check in for student progress

Session 4: Jan 28 & 29, 2025 @ 9:30am - 5:30pm 
Learn Self Hypnosis & Higher Self Hypnosis 

Practitioner Designations:
Session 5: February  4 - 6, 2025  @ 9:30am - 4:30pm (daily)
Unlimited Power of Hypnosis / Krasner Method Board Designation Training 

Session 5: February 13, 2025 @ 10am - 12pm 
Check in for student progress

Session 7: February 24 - March 3, 2025 @ 8am - 5pm (Daily)
8 Day Mind Body Practitioner Board Designation Training 

Master Practitioner Designations:  
Session 8: March 13, 2025 @ 10am - 12pm 
Check in for student progress

Session 9: March 24 - April 6, 2025 @ 8am - 5pm (Daily)
13 day Mind  Body Master-Practitioner Board Designation Training 

Session 10: April 10, 2025 @ 10am - 12pm
Check in for student progress

​Total value of all courses: $16,850 CAD$

​All this for almost 30% off: $11997 + 5% GST (CAD$)
(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)

AND SAVE $500 more by paying in full before December 1, 2024
Reserve Your Spot NOW With Your $995 Deposit
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The 4 Mind-Body Healing Modalities

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). During this training we are focusing on language, sensory acuity and rapport to connect deeply with your client, and learn techinques that rewire their neurology that results in quick, lasting and effective change in their state (emotions) and behaviour.  

Master Practitioner Add on: Understanding values and value levels. Learn how to re-wire values, which then changes beliefs and behaviours! 
Be able to GUARANTEE YOUR RESULTS IN WRITINGto your cilents, because you'll be re-wiring their neurology such that they simply cannot do their problem any more. 

Time Line Therapy® is the most powerful tool in our toolkit, designed to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs using the power of the unconscious mind. Remarkably, this method allows clients to heal without discussing their trauma, as the unconscious mind already knows what happened. You'll act as the guide, while your client's unconscious mind takes on the role of their coach

Master Practitioner Add on:  Learn additonal techniques for past life regression and drop down through techniques. 

Hypnotherapy - In this modality, we tap into a beautiful state of trance, where the conscious and unconscious minds unite. We offer positive suggestions to the unconscious mind to create the desired behavior and habit changes based on the person the client is now becoming.

Master Practitioner Add on:  Estabrooks sytle of  hypnotherapy and scripts to add to the Elman, Ericksonian and Krasner styles you will have already learned. 

NLP Coaching This training equips you with coaching skills equivalent to the highest recognized standards in the world, comparable to the well-known International Coach Federation (ICF). You'll gain the expertise to deliver exceptional coaching that drives meaningful results.

Master Practitoner Add on:  You will be a Master Practitioner Results Coach - higher trained then the world renowned ICF coaches, able to give your guarantees in writing, becuase you focus on changing their behaviour through working with their unconscious m ind. 
Want To Learn More? 
Book a call with us, so we can answer all your questions: 
Call With Melissa Call With Billie 
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Why Do I Want To Be Designated In
​These Mind-Body Modalities? 

“Are you a coach working with clients and they start to follow your recommendations, however they get stuck, fall off, and stop?   They don't know why, they are honestly trying to create the changes in their life to regain their health, or move their business or relationship forward, and yet they can only get so far....

This is because their unconscious patterning is getting them stuck. Patterning they learned in the 0-6 years window, that is still running their life. No matter how much you encourage them to create new habits, they just can't do it.   You feel badly, because you know if they did, it would change their life! 

The reality is, you absolutely can help them, you just need to upgrade the tools you have to work with.  This is what the powerful mind-body modalities of NLP, Time Line Therarpy® and Hypnotherapy give you!  These tools will allow you to guide your client to access their unconscious mind and create change easily and effortlessly as all learning, all behaviour, and all change happens in the unconscious mind.  Until now, you've only been able to use the tools of the conscious mind which makes up only 10% of the mind!  Tap into the other 90% and guide your clients to easily create the outcomes they want. 

If you aren't yet a coach, however want to deeply transform the lives of others without spending several years going back to school to become a therapist or counsellor, you are in the right place, as this course will give you the highest level of coaching designation in just 90 days!  We're going to be very honest here -  the 8 Day program is intense, so you need to clear your calendar for these 8 days.   It is an unconscious download (as all learning is unconscious) and it will set you up for success in your coaching career in a really short amount of time, so that you can follow your dream of transforming the lives of others.”  

The 13 day Master Practitioner Training gives you 50% more of the tools to use with your clients. The Practitioner level gives you 25% of the tools and the Trainer levels gives you the final 25% of the tools should you wish to train others in these modalities.  Therefore this training is packed full of new tools to build on what you've already learned in the Practitioner level. It also includes a full master level breakthrough for you and you will give a breakthrough to a class mate. 

If you are looking for CEU credits for certifications you have already earned, you are also in the right place!  You'll earn your credits AND upgrade your toolbox! 

At Amplify Results Coaching, the difference that makes the difference is the supportive community we create from day 1 of our trainings, that lasts a lifetime! 
You’re never alone—we provide ongoing community support even after you’ve finished the training, fostering continued growth, and the ability to trade sessions with fellow practitioners and never pay for therapy again! 
Reserve Your Spot NOW With Your $995 Deposit
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Designation vs Certifcation  

  • Designations typically require ongoing education and development, ensuring that professionals stay current with industry standards and advancements
  • Designations often lead to higher earning potential as they are recognized by employers and clients as a mark of commitment and expertise
  • Designations are often seen as a mark of trust and reliability, as they are awarded by recognized and reputable professional bodies.
  • Designations involve rigorous and standardized assessments, ensuring that all holders meet a high level of competence.
  • Designations require adherence to a code of ethics, which promotes integrity and ethical behaviour within the profession
  • Designations are often globally recognized, making it easier for professionals to work in different countries and be acknowledged for their qualifications.
  • Certifications may not require continual learning, leading to potential obsolescence of knowledge and skills.
  • Certifications might not carry the same weight in terms of salary negotiations or pricing for services.
  • Certifications, particularly those that can be easily obtained, may not inspire the same level of confidence among clients and employers.
  • Certifications can vary widely in their requirements and rigor, leading to inconsistencies in skill levels.
  • Certifications may not include or enforce ethical guidelines, which can impact the trustworthiness of the professional.
  • Certifications may have limited recognition outside of specific regions or industries, restricting mobility and opportunities.

Your Instructors:  

Melissa Deally
About Melissa

Melissa is a Trainer of NLP,  Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and NLP Results Coaching. She is also certified as an Integrative Health Practitioner and Health Coach. Her mission is to heal the world, by reducing the amount of chronic illness and showing people that their diagnosis of "dis-ease" doesn't have to be a life sentence. 

Instead she guides you through your healing journey by showing you how to detox all 4 bodies, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, creating the environment for the body to be able to heal itself.  She uses functinoal medicine lab tests plus her NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy tools as she guides her clients to a new level of health.  

She also teaches other coaches and practitioners these powerful mind-body tools, so they can also support their clients in getting the results they want whether in health, business or life!  By teaching others the tools to use with clients, Melissa is able to impact more people in a positive way. 
Billie Aadmi
About Billie

Billie Aadmi is the CEO and Founder of Go Mindspire Inc where she trains and coaches people to get into rapport with their unconscious mind using the worlds most powerful mind-body tools! Billie guides her clients so that they can tap into the infinite resources that the Universe has waiting.

She is a single mother of two beautiful children and a fur baby. She is also a passionate and purpose-driven international real estate investor and is dedicated to cultivating a prosperous mindset in others through the transformative tools of NLP, Time Line Therapy®,  Hypnotherapy and NLP Results Coaching.

​Billie emanates a gentle yet powerful energy to hold space to empower individuals to unlock their full potential to reach all their goals and dreams. She is transitioning from almost 2 decades of Policing into her new mission of upleveling mindsets for lifelong success. 

Become A Board Designated Master Practitioner Of NLP, Time Line
Therapy, Hypnotherapy and NLP Results Coaching

 Our courses are interactive with lots of time to practice your new skills with other participants.

In addition to your new skills you will come away with a deep understanding of the power of your unconscious mind, which is the key to all of these tools being so successful.

Upon passing your tests for the Unlimited Power of Hypnosis and 8 Day Mind Body Practitioner program, you will be eligible to join the following boards at the Practitioner level which are recognized in 42 countries:

  • American Board of NLP
  • American Board of Hypnotherapy
  • Time Line Therapy® Association
Pricing: $11,997 + 5% GST (CAD$)
(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)
SAVE $500 by paying your deposit before December 1, 2024

Book A Call With Melissa!
Book A Call With Billie!        
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Billie and Melissa’s “8 Day Practitioner Training” is truly exceptional. Both trainers, demonstrated expertise and clear communication of NLP concepts and have a beautiful synergy between them. The curriculum covered a broad range of NLP and NLP Coaching topics, creating a comprehensive understanding of all practices.

The training sessions were thoughtfully structured, fostering a supportive learning environment for participants of all levels. Billie and Melissa’s passion for the subject made each session not only educational, they were also enjoyable.

What sets this training apart is the practical applicability of the knowledge shared. Billie and Melissa didn’t just present theories; they provided real-world examples and exercises, empowering us to apply the learning in our daily lives.

This training exceeded my expectations. I left with valuable insights and renewed enthusiasm to incorporate these teachings into my professional practice.
- Natalie Wong, Image Reflection
I am blessed to be a part of the 8 day NLP Practitioner Training guided by Melissa and Billie. I am so grateful for all my new learnings and a powerful, profound breakthrough I just had myself by creating new neurology, clearing all past negative emotions, limiting beliefs/ decisions and planting new positive suggestions into my mind.

As of now I am highly skilled and a certified practitioner and I am excited to serve all the people I am about to empower by using new knowledge and skills I learnt. Melissa and Billie are truly dedicated and they are there for you to succeed. I am so grateful to have them as my teachers, as they opened up the whole new world of unlimited opportunities for me.

​I made the best decision by taking this course. Thank you, Melissa and Billie ♥️
Olya Zhilinskaya, Founder at Face Yoga Queen
I met Billie Adami by accident.  And she helped me change my life.  This may sound bizarre to you now, but I guarantee you that this woman has the ability to “CHANGE YOUR LIFE COMPLETELY” and help you become your BEST SELF.  I can only tell you the impact that Billie has had on me, and after reading all of the other testimonials you will understand that she will teach you how to change your life too.  Billie only wants your happiness and that in turn gives her happiness.  A more selfless human being I have not met.  All I can tell you is take a class, let her teach you what you don’t know, and your world will expand beyond recognition, beyond your biggest hopes and dreams.  I am incredibly grateful to Billie, she shines her light on us all for our lives to change, for us to grow, for us to expand, excel and evolve.  I am proudly now a part of “Team Light”.  Shine on Y’all Shine on.

Melissa Deally is the Real Deal.  She is an incredible healer, and she is the one that you want by your side to help you unlock the healer within yourself.  She will walk confidently with you down the path, as she has already walked down it herself.  She not only knows what she is doing (She is living proof of that), but she uplevels and upgrades her skills continuously through many different modalities to ensure that her toolbelt is better equipped than that of any other healer I have met.  Not only is she the “Friendly Toxin Slayer”,  She also teaches you that you are in control, you are powerful, and you will prevail.  A better Doctor, Teacher, and Human Being I have not met.   Thanking you Melissa, so sincerely, you have helped me change my life and regain my control.
- Dawn Tedesco, BC Langley

I have known Melissa for several years as both a coach and a trainer.  As a coach, she helped my husband and me resolve some "gut issues" that were particularly bothersome. Her approach to health coaching is both gentle and persuasive and we were able to make real changes in our lifestyle that made big differences in our health.
When Melissa told me that she was offering practitioner courses in NLP, Time Line Therapy, and hypnosis, I jumped at the chance to add these modalities to my own coaching practice. It was in this course I met Billie.

Melissa and Billie are a team that shows the true meaning of partnership - something that becomes greater than its components! The two work together to make sure that each student absorbs the material and garners the confidence to take it out into the world and use it.

I could go on and on about the usefulness of what I've learned, but suffice it to say that my own coaching programs have gone from getting great results to getting amazing results quickly! 
- Jeanne Andrus,  Menopause Guru
I am an ICF accredited coach, and I want to share a wonderful experience that I had working both with Melissa Deally and Billie Aadmi on my practitioner training for NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy. What a great combination the two of them are, they both bring their own flair and their own strengths to it and working with the two of them was fantastic. I highly recommend their combined program for certification, I came for the CEU credits and got so much more! This is absolutely the coaching program you need to take!

​I made the best decision by taking this course. Thank you, Melissa and Billie ♥️
- Deepak Saini, Deepak Saini Health

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We empower girls in Uganda and Kenya by ensuring they have access to education, thereby preventing early marriages and paving the way for a brighter future. By investing in girls' education, we contribute to the economic growth of communities and break the cycle of poverty.

​Thank you for choosing to elevate yourself, as your support not only transforms your own life but also uplifts the lives of these girls.
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Our Next 90 Day Master Practitioner Training:
Starts January 14,  2025

Attendance all days is required to become certified
Pricing:  $11,997 + 5% GST  
SAVE $500 by paying your deposit 
before December 1, 2024

(3 month and 6 month payment plans are available)
Pay Your Deposit To Reserve Your Spot $995
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